BGU and Arizona State University have signed a joint research agreement. Cooperation will take place on a number of topics of mutual interest, such as: Cyber security, Homeland security, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Community medicine, Space and remote sensing and Sustainability.
A winning consortium led by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) -- the Israeli leader, and Arizona State University (ASU) -- the U.S. leader, along with several other tech partners, including Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GT), will receive up to $6 million under a U.S.-Israel Energy Center research funding grant for energy infrastructure cybersecurity.
A new translational medical research building, which will bring Ben-Gurion University of the Negev scientists and Soroka University Medical Center clinicians together, will be built on the Soroka campus, adjacent to the Faculty of Health Sciences. The cornerstone was laid in a festive ceremony this week.
The new research institute, made possible with donations by the Adleis Foundation, will focus on medical research and innovation, in collaboration with Ben-Gurion University and Soroka Medical Center
Moving the IDF’s Cyber Training School southward is a top-priority national mission to strengthen the Negev and improve the IDF’s operational capabilities. This move will enable collaborations between the IDF and Ben-Gurion University, the Israeli Education System, and Negev-based hightech companies.
The area will include the university, and the hospital with Ben Gurion Boulevard becoming the Rothschild Boulevard of Beersheva.
Ben Gurion University, the Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva City Hall, and in the future, an IDF teleprocessing campus are expected to create a collaborative ecosystem in Negev’s capital.
The IDF Cyber Training School has been reopened in its new location with much fanare, marking the first sign of the move the miliatry cyber units southward.